New Seller: Turf and Dirt Sports Cards

He’s at the 30, the 20, the 10… No, that’s not a long touchdown run. That’s just our newest seller’s breaking mat.

Turf and Dirt is the newest member of the Loupe family, and they’ll be ripping packs right on their iconic recreation of a football field. Seriously, how good is this?!

It’s more than the gridiron and the diamond for Turf and Dirt. This Washington-area shop specializes in baseball, basketball, football, hockey, Star Wars, and Pokemon. You’ll probably get to know Jimmy and Stacy, who are Turf and Dirt’s owners and primary breakers.

Come find out what makes Turf and Dirt one of the most progressive and modern shops around. They’re making their Loupe debut tonight, Wednesday December 22 at 8pm ET. He. Could. Go. All. The. Way!

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